there is no common narrative. I have an (in)ability to speak. it is impossible to remember. nothing is exactly. but i dream in a language once i knew. it was one of the thousand languages of the rainforest, the languages of the beings of the day and the beings of the night. the languages that flow in its waters. the languages that resist and the ones which were killed. we should have heard them in time. it is time. time returns. are we learning to hear?
Daniela Brasil is an artist, educator and activist, working with decolonial discourses and practices. She will present fragments of her autobiographical research journey to the Amazon, which is reframing and interweaving notions of belonging. This is part of her post-doctoral investigation on Living Learning Environments that nurture (bio)diversity while re-valuing subjugated knowledge forms and endangered cultures. Can we (un)learn our hegemonic notions of knowledge, development and progress and attentively listen to the communities of thinking-feeling and thinking-acting, that are grounded in a deeper and holistic notion of Buen Vivir, i.e. living well and in plenitude?
When: Thursday, 23 of May 2019
6 pm, welcome, pop-up exhibition
7 pm, circle, conversation and collective mind-mapping
Where: Afro-Asian Institute, Leechgasse 24, 8010 Graz